One of the well-known spray-on heat-shield products is Lizard Skin. From their website, “LizardSkin Ceramic Insulation (CI) is an advanced spray on thermal coating that consists of a water-based composition of high-grade acrylic binders with ceramic insulation particles to create a thermal barrier.” The Material Safety Data Sheet (commonly referred to as the MSDS) can be found here . This sheet shows the composition of Lizard Skin as: 1 - Water 7732-18-5 40-50% 2 - Resin Polymer 00-00-00 20-30% 3 - Trade Secret Insulation Media 10-20% 4 - Carbon Black 1333-86-4 5-10% 5 - Extender Pigment 1317-65-3 1-5% It’s relatively expensive at $200 for two gallons. They sell a special gun ($120) to spray it on although it can be applied with a brush or roller. Substitutes It's possible to make your own for much less cost. 1 – High solids white latex ceiling paint. 2 - Acrylic Polymer Resin - increases paint flow and durability. One source is Acri-Flow ...